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This is one of the most familiar and traditional methods of project delivery. It begins with an Owner and an architect. The architect will draw plans for the entire project, which we then receive in order to formulate our bid. Our fixed construction amount will cover the entire cost of your project, determined by the content in those plans. Only the architect will oversee the specifications and drawings. In this delivery method, the owner typically picks the lowest, most responsive bid. As general contractors, our involvement in the project begins at the bid. After the bid, the owner’s involvement decreases, as we step in to bring the project to life. General contracting does not allow for fast tracking or constructability input, although we do offer those services with other delivery methods. General contracting also has no ability for shared savings.

In this method, we assume total project responsibility. We partner with an elite team of Architects, Engineers, and key subcontractors that we believe will best suit the Owners’ needs, goals, and objectives for the budget, schedule, and quality of work. Design-build allows us to help steer the design throughout the conceptual design & design development phases eliminating change orders and constructability issues often associated with traditional General Contracting. Design/Build can often be the simplest and most cost efficient way to produce a complete project. This method can also be quite beneficial to Owners’, as they have a single source of accountability, the Construction Manager.

In this delivery method, the Construction Manager holds responsibility for both the design and construction phases. FDC thrives in this method, as we are able to bring our knowledge and experience to the table, in order to assist the Owner, with the design and preconstruction phases for the project, while working as a team with the Architects, Engineers, and Consultants. This delivery method causes the Owner to have separate contracts with the Architects and Construction Manager, in order to create a system of checks and balances. All subcontracting work is bid competitively, with owner input. With this method, the design and construction phases are able to advance simultaneously, allowing for a more rapid and cost effective finish.

As one of the newer methods of delivery, this process requires more coordination and transparency throughout the entire project team. Typically the Construction Manager, Architect, and Major Subcontractors, are all involved in the early stages of the project design, scheduling, and budget. This creates more opportunity for creativity and input, as there are more teams involved, however the Owner’s involvement is typically minimal. With Integrated Project Delivery, there is possibility for both cost savings and shared risk, as well as the ability to fast track. This delivery is also highly effective for quality work, while also being one of the most efficient methods.

This method is typically used for public agency projects. We still work with both the Owner and Architect throughout the design and pre-construction phases, however, the only part that differs from the Construction Management at Risk method is that the Owner now holds the contract with the trade contractors. We, the construction manager, considered the budget gatekeeper, will execute a system that will control all personnel, money and materials to work directly for the Owner’s desires.

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